Random Variable Types to Know for Intro to Probabilistic Methods

Random variables are essential in understanding uncertainty in various situations. They can be discrete, taking specific values, or continuous, covering a range. Different types, like Bernoulli and Poisson, help model real-world scenarios effectively.

  1. Discrete Random Variables

    • Take on a countable number of distinct values.
    • Examples include the number of students in a class or the outcome of rolling a die.
    • Probability mass function (PMF) is used to describe the probabilities of each possible value.
  2. Continuous Random Variables

    • Can take on an infinite number of values within a given range.
    • Examples include height, weight, or temperature.
    • Described by a probability density function (PDF), where probabilities are found over intervals rather than specific values.
  3. Bernoulli Random Variables

    • A special case of discrete random variables with only two possible outcomes: success (1) or failure (0).
    • Used to model binary outcomes, such as flipping a coin or passing a test.
    • The probability of success is denoted by p, and the probability of failure is 1 - p.
  4. Binomial Random Variables

    • Represents the number of successes in a fixed number of independent Bernoulli trials.
    • Defined by two parameters: the number of trials (n) and the probability of success (p).
    • The binomial distribution is used to calculate the probability of obtaining a certain number of successes.
  5. Poisson Random Variables

    • Models the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space, given a known average rate (ฮป).
    • Useful for rare events, such as the number of phone calls received at a call center in an hour.
    • The Poisson distribution is characterized by its parameter ฮป, which is both the mean and variance.
  6. Uniform Random Variables

    • All outcomes are equally likely within a specified range.
    • Can be discrete (e.g., rolling a fair die) or continuous (e.g., selecting a number between 0 and 1).
    • The uniform distribution is defined by its minimum and maximum values.
  7. Normal (Gaussian) Random Variables

    • Characterized by a bell-shaped curve, defined by its mean (ฮผ) and standard deviation (ฯƒ).
    • Many natural phenomena are approximately normally distributed, such as heights or test scores.
    • The central limit theorem states that the sum of a large number of independent random variables tends to be normally distributed.
  8. Exponential Random Variables

    • Models the time until an event occurs, such as the time until a radioactive particle decays.
    • Defined by a single parameter (ฮป), which is the rate of occurrence.
    • The exponential distribution is memoryless, meaning the probability of an event occurring in the next interval is independent of how much time has already passed.
  9. Geometric Random Variables

    • Represents the number of trials until the first success in a series of independent Bernoulli trials.
    • Defined by the probability of success (p) on each trial.
    • The geometric distribution is useful for modeling scenarios like the number of coin flips until the first heads appears.
  10. Hypergeometric Random Variables

    • Models the number of successes in a sample drawn without replacement from a finite population.
    • Defined by the population size (N), the number of successes in the population (K), and the sample size (n).
    • The hypergeometric distribution is used in scenarios like quality control testing or lottery draws.