Key Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Know for International Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines essential rights that every person should enjoy. These articles emphasize human dignity, equality, and freedom, forming the backbone of international human rights standards that protect individuals from injustice and discrimination worldwide.

  1. Article 1: Human dignity and equality

    • Affirms that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
    • Establishes the foundation for all other human rights.
    • Promotes respect for human rights without distinction of any kind.
  2. Article 3: Right to life, liberty, and security

    • Guarantees the inherent right to life for every individual.
    • Protects individuals from arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
    • Ensures personal security against violence and threats.
  3. Article 5: Prohibition of torture

    • Explicitly prohibits torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.
    • Recognizes the absolute nature of this right, with no exceptions.
    • Aims to protect the dignity and integrity of the individual.
  4. Article 7: Equality before the law

    • States that all are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection.
    • Prohibits discrimination in legal rights and protections.
    • Ensures that everyone has access to justice.
  5. Article 9: Freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention

    • Protects individuals from being arrested or detained without legal justification.
    • Requires that any arrest or detention must follow established legal procedures.
    • Safeguards against abuses of power by authorities.
  6. Article 13: Freedom of movement

    • Affirms the right of individuals to move freely within their country.
    • Allows for the right to leave any country, including one's own.
    • Supports the right to return to one's country.
  7. Article 14: Right to asylum

    • Recognizes the right to seek asylum from persecution in other countries.
    • Protects individuals fleeing from threats to their life or freedom.
    • Encourages nations to provide refuge to those in need.
  8. Article 18: Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion

    • Guarantees the right to hold beliefs and practice religion freely.
    • Protects individuals from coercion in matters of conscience.
    • Supports the diversity of thought and belief systems.
  9. Article 19: Freedom of expression

    • Affirms the right to express opinions and seek information freely.
    • Protects the press and other forms of communication.
    • Encourages open discourse and debate in society.
  10. Article 20: Freedom of assembly and association

    • Guarantees the right to peacefully assemble and associate with others.
    • Protects the formation of groups, organizations, and unions.
    • Supports collective action and advocacy for rights.
  11. Article 21: Right to participate in government

    • Affirms the right of individuals to take part in their government.
    • Supports the right to vote and be elected in free elections.
    • Encourages civic engagement and political participation.
  12. Article 23: Right to work

    • Recognizes the right to work and to choose one's employment.
    • Ensures fair wages and favorable working conditions.
    • Supports the right to join trade unions.
  13. Article 25: Right to adequate standard of living

    • Affirms the right to an adequate standard of living for health and well-being.
    • Includes access to food, clothing, housing, and medical care.
    • Recognizes the importance of social security and support.
  14. Article 26: Right to education

    • Guarantees the right to education for all individuals.
    • Promotes free and compulsory primary education.
    • Supports access to higher education based on merit.
  15. Article 30: Protection of human rights from state or personal interference

    • Emphasizes that no one can take away the rights outlined in the Declaration.
    • Protects individuals from violations by both state and private actors.
    • Reinforces the universality and indivisibility of human rights.