Infection Control Precautions to Know for Foundations of Nursing Practice

Infection control precautions are essential in nursing practice to prevent the spread of infections. Key practices include hand hygiene, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and maintaining a clean environment to ensure patient safety and well-being.

  1. Hand hygiene

    • Wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • Perform hand hygiene before and after patient contact, after using the restroom, and before eating.
    • Ensure thorough cleaning, including between fingers, under nails, and around jewelry.
  2. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

    • Use appropriate PPE (gloves, masks, gowns, goggles) based on the level of exposure risk.
    • Ensure proper fit and coverage to protect against contaminants.
    • Dispose of or clean PPE according to facility protocols after use.
  3. Standard precautions

    • Treat all blood and bodily fluids as potentially infectious.
    • Implement hand hygiene and use PPE as necessary for all patient interactions.
    • Ensure safe handling of patient care equipment and environmental surfaces.
  4. Transmission-based precautions

    • Implement additional precautions based on the mode of transmission (contact, droplet, airborne).
    • Use specific PPE and isolation measures tailored to the type of transmission.
    • Educate patients and visitors about the precautions in place.
  5. Proper handling and disposal of sharps

    • Use puncture-resistant containers for disposing of needles and other sharp objects.
    • Never recap needles or manipulate sharps by hand after use.
    • Follow facility protocols for the safe disposal of sharps to prevent injury.
  6. Aseptic technique

    • Maintain a sterile field during procedures to prevent contamination.
    • Use sterile instruments and supplies, and perform hand hygiene before and after.
    • Minimize air exposure and avoid touching non-sterile surfaces.
  7. Environmental cleaning and disinfection

    • Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment in patient care areas.
    • Use appropriate disinfectants that are effective against specific pathogens.
    • Follow a cleaning schedule and ensure high-touch areas are prioritized.
  8. Isolation protocols

    • Implement isolation based on the patient's infection status and transmission risk.
    • Use designated rooms or areas for patients requiring isolation.
    • Ensure clear communication of isolation requirements to staff, patients, and visitors.
  9. Proper handling of contaminated linens

    • Handle soiled linens with gloves and avoid shaking to prevent aerosolization of pathogens.
    • Place contaminated linens in designated bags for transport to laundry.
    • Follow facility guidelines for laundering and disinfecting linens.
  10. Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette

    • Encourage patients to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing.
    • Provide masks to symptomatic patients and maintain distance from others.
    • Ensure hand hygiene is performed after coughing, sneezing, or handling tissues.