📈Applied Impact Evaluation Unit 1 – Impact Evaluation: An Introduction
Impact evaluation is a systematic approach to measuring the causal effects of programs or policies on specific outcomes. It compares treatment and control groups to establish a counterfactual scenario, providing rigorous evidence on intervention effectiveness and informing resource allocation decisions.
This method is crucial for determining whether observed changes are due to interventions or other factors. It helps identify effective programs, unintended consequences, and contributes to accountability in development. Key concepts include treatment and control groups, counterfactuals, and selection bias.
Systematic approach to measuring the causal effects of a program, policy, or intervention on specific outcomes of interest
Compares outcomes between a treatment group that receives the intervention and a control group that does not
Aims to establish a counterfactual scenario to determine what would have happened in the absence of the intervention
Focuses on attributing observed changes in outcomes directly to the intervention rather than other factors
Provides rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of development programs and policies
Helps policymakers, funders, and implementers make informed decisions about resource allocation and program design
Contributes to building a body of knowledge on what works in development and under what conditions
Why Do We Need It?
Development programs and policies often have limited resources and need to be allocated effectively to achieve desired outcomes
Without impact evaluation, it is difficult to know whether observed changes in outcomes are due to the intervention or other factors
Impact evaluation helps to identify which programs and policies are most effective in achieving their intended outcomes
Provides evidence on the magnitude and significance of program impacts, which can inform decisions about scaling up or replicating successful interventions
Helps to identify unintended consequences or negative impacts of interventions, which can inform program design and implementation
Contributes to accountability and transparency in development by providing rigorous evidence on program effectiveness
Builds knowledge on what works in development, which can inform future program design and policy decisions
Key Concepts and Terms
Treatment group: The group that receives the intervention being evaluated
Control group: The group that does not receive the intervention and serves as a comparison to the treatment group
Counterfactual: The scenario that would have occurred in the absence of the intervention
Selection bias: Systematic differences between the treatment and control groups that can affect outcomes and bias impact estimates
Randomization: Assigning units (individuals, households, communities) to treatment and control groups by chance to minimize selection bias
Spillover effects: Indirect effects of the intervention on non-participants or neighboring communities
Heterogeneous effects: Variation in program impacts across different subgroups or contexts
Example: A nutrition program may have larger impacts on children from low-income households compared to those from higher-income households
Attrition: Loss of participants from the study sample over time, which can bias impact estimates if it differs between treatment and control groups
Considered the gold standard for impact evaluation
Randomly assign units to treatment and control groups to minimize selection bias
Example: Evaluating the impact of a new vaccine by randomly assigning individuals to receive the vaccine or a placebo
Quasi-experimental designs
Use non-random methods to construct a comparison group that is similar to the treatment group
Include methods such as propensity score matching, regression discontinuity, and difference-in-differences
Example: Evaluating the impact of a job training program by comparing outcomes for participants to a matched group of non-participants with similar characteristics
Non-experimental designs
Do not involve a comparison group and rely on observational data and statistical methods to estimate impacts
Include methods such as pre-post comparisons and cross-sectional regression analysis
Generally considered less rigorous than experimental and quasi-experimental designs
Steps in Conducting an Impact Evaluation
Identify the research question and hypotheses
Clearly define the intervention, target population, and outcomes of interest
Develop a theory of change that outlines how the intervention is expected to affect outcomes
Design the evaluation
Select an appropriate evaluation design based on the research question, context, and available resources
Determine the sample size and sampling strategy
Develop data collection instruments and protocols
Collect baseline data
Gather data on key outcome variables and potential confounding factors before the intervention begins
Ensures that treatment and control groups are balanced on observable characteristics at the start of the study
Implement the intervention and monitor implementation fidelity
Ensure that the intervention is delivered as intended and consistently across treatment units
Monitor and document any deviations from the intended intervention design
Collect follow-up data
Gather data on key outcome variables and potential confounding factors at one or more points after the intervention has been implemented
Timing of follow-up data collection should be based on the expected timeline for intervention impacts to materialize
Analyze the data and estimate impacts
Use appropriate statistical methods to estimate the causal impact of the intervention on outcomes of interest
Conduct subgroup analyses to explore heterogeneous impacts and identify potential mechanisms
Interpret and disseminate results
Summarize key findings and implications for policy and practice
Communicate results to relevant stakeholders, including policymakers, funders, and implementing partners
Contribute to the broader evidence base on what works in development
Common Methods and Approaches
Compares changes in outcomes over time between a treatment group and a comparison group
Assumes that in the absence of the intervention, the treatment and comparison groups would have experienced parallel trends in outcomes
Example: Evaluating the impact of a new minimum wage law by comparing changes in employment in states that implemented the law to states that did not
Propensity score matching
Constructs a comparison group by matching treatment units to non-treatment units with similar predicted probabilities of receiving the intervention (propensity scores)
Assumes that selection into the treatment is based on observable characteristics that can be balanced through matching
Example: Evaluating the impact of a microcredit program by matching borrowers to non-borrowers with similar demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
Regression discontinuity design
Exploits a cutoff or threshold that determines assignment to the treatment based on a continuous variable (running variable)
Compares outcomes for units just above and below the threshold, assuming that they are similar in all respects except for treatment status
Example: Evaluating the impact of a scholarship program by comparing outcomes for students just above and below the eligibility cutoff based on test scores
Instrumental variables
Uses an exogenous source of variation (instrument) that affects participation in the treatment but does not directly affect outcomes to estimate impacts
Assumes that the instrument only affects outcomes through its effect on treatment participation (exclusion restriction)
Example: Evaluating the impact of a health insurance program by using distance to the nearest enrollment center as an instrument for insurance take-up
Challenges and Limitations
Ethical considerations
Random assignment to treatment and control groups may not be feasible or appropriate in some contexts
Withholding potentially beneficial interventions from the control group can raise ethical concerns
External validity
Impact estimates from a specific context or population may not generalize to other settings or groups
Replicating and scaling up successful interventions may require adapting to local contexts and implementation challenges
Spillover effects and contamination
Treatment effects may spill over to the control group or neighboring communities, biasing impact estimates
Contamination can occur if the control group is exposed to the intervention or similar programs
Measurement and reporting biases
Self-reported data may be subject to social desirability bias or recall errors
Implementers or evaluators may have incentives to overstate program impacts or underreport negative findings
Cost and feasibility
Rigorous impact evaluations can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, particularly for experimental designs
Sufficient sample sizes and statistical power may be difficult to achieve for rare outcomes or small target populations
Long-term impacts and sustainability
Impact evaluations often focus on short-term outcomes and may not capture longer-term impacts or the sustainability of program effects
Measuring impacts over longer time horizons can be challenging due to attrition, changes in context, and resource constraints
Real-World Applications
Evaluating the impact of teacher training programs on student learning outcomes
Assessing the effectiveness of school-based interventions to improve attendance and reduce dropout rates
Measuring the impact of community health worker programs on maternal and child health outcomes
Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to improve access to and utilization of health services
Assessing the impact of agricultural extension services on farmer productivity and income
Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to promote the adoption of improved agricultural technologies and practices
Social protection
Measuring the impact of cash transfer programs on poverty, food security, and human capital outcomes
Evaluating the effectiveness of job training and employment programs for vulnerable populations
Assessing the impact of community-driven development programs on local governance and citizen participation
Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to improve public service delivery and reduce corruption