🔢Algebraic Topology Unit 11 – Sheaves and Sheaf Cohomology
Sheaves and sheaf cohomology are powerful tools in algebraic topology, bridging local and global properties of topological spaces. They provide a unified framework for various cohomology theories, allowing mathematicians to study complex structures through the lens of abelian groups and their relationships.
This unit covers the foundations of sheaf theory, including presheaves, sheaves, and their operations. It then delves into cohomology basics, Čech cohomology, and derived functor cohomology, culminating in applications to de Rham and Dolbeault cohomology. Problem-solving techniques for computing sheaf cohomology are also discussed.
Presheaf F assigns to each open set U of a topological space X an abelian group F(U)
Sheaf extends the concept of a presheaf by requiring local information to uniquely determine global information
Restriction maps ρV,U:F(U)→F(V) for each inclusion V⊆U of open sets
Restriction maps satisfy the composition property ρW,V∘ρV,U=ρW,U for W⊆V⊆U
Stalks Fx at a point x∈X consist of germs, equivalence classes of sections over neighborhoods of x
Exact sequence is a sequence of morphisms between objects (abelian groups or sheaves) where the image of each morphism equals the kernel of the next
Short exact sequence 0→A→B→C→0 captures essential information about the objects and their relationships
Cohomology measures the global properties of a topological space by associating abelian groups to the space
Topological Foundations
Topological space (X,τ) consists of a set X and a collection τ of subsets of X called open sets satisfying certain axioms
∅ and X are open
Arbitrary union of open sets is open
Finite intersection of open sets is open
Basis B for a topology is a collection of open sets such that every open set can be expressed as a union of elements in B
Continuous function f:X→Y between topological spaces preserves open sets, i.e., the preimage of an open set is open
Hausdorff space is a topological space where any two distinct points have disjoint neighborhoods
Compact space is a topological space where every open cover has a finite subcover
Heine-Borel theorem characterizes compact subsets of Euclidean space as closed and bounded sets
Paracompact space is a Hausdorff space where every open cover has a locally finite open refinement
Introduction to Sheaves
Sheaf F on a topological space X assigns an abelian group F(U) to each open set U⊆X
Elements of F(U) are called sections over U
Sheaf axioms ensure local information uniquely determines global information
(Identity) For every open set U, the restriction map ρU,U is the identity on F(U)
(Locality) If {Ui} is an open cover of U and s,t∈F(U) such that ρUi,U(s)=ρUi,U(t) for all i, then s=t
(Gluing) If {Ui} is an open cover of U and si∈F(Ui) with ρUi∩Uj,Ui(si)=ρUi∩Uj,Uj(sj), then there exists a unique s∈F(U) such that ρUi,U(s)=si for all i
Constant sheaf A assigns the abelian group A to every open set with identity restriction maps
Locally constant sheaf assigns a fixed abelian group to each connected component of the space
Sheaf Operations and Properties
Morphism of sheaves φ:F→G is a collection of group homomorphisms φ(U):F(U)→G(U) for each open set U that commute with restriction maps
Sheaf morphisms form a category with sheaves as objects and morphisms as arrows
Kernel sheaf ker(φ) assigns to each open set U the subgroup ker(φ(U))⊆F(U)
Image sheaf im(φ) assigns to each open set U the subgroup im(φ(U))⊆G(U)
Cokernel sheaf coker(φ) assigns to each open set U the quotient group G(U)/im(φ(U))
Exact sequence of sheaves 0→F→G→H→0 induces a long exact sequence of cohomology groups
Direct sum of sheaves F⊕G assigns to each open set U the direct sum of abelian groups F(U)⊕G(U)
Tensor product of sheaves F⊗G assigns to each open set U the tensor product of abelian groups F(U)⊗G(U)
Cohomology Basics
Cochain complex is a sequence of abelian groups Ci and homomorphisms (differentials) di:Ci→Ci+1 such that di+1∘di=0
Cocycles Zi=ker(di) and coboundaries Bi=im(di−1) satisfy Bi⊆Zi
Cohomology groups Hi(C∙)=Zi/Bi measure the "gap" between cocycles and coboundaries
Cochain map f:C∙→D∙ between cochain complexes is a collection of homomorphisms fi:Ci→Di that commute with the differentials
Cochain maps induce homomorphisms on cohomology Hi(f):Hi(C∙)→Hi(D∙)
Short exact sequence of cochain complexes 0→A∙→B∙→C∙→0 induces a long exact sequence in cohomology
Connecting homomorphism δ:Hi(C∙)→Hi+1(A∙) measures the obstruction to lifting cocycles
Homotopy equivalence between cochain complexes induces isomorphisms on cohomology
Cohomology with coefficients in an abelian group G is defined by applying the functor Hom(−,G) to a chain complex
Sheaf Cohomology Theory
Sheaf cohomology Hi(X,F) associates abelian groups to a sheaf F on a topological space X
Measures the global obstructions to solving local problems related to F
Čech cohomology is defined using Čech cochains, functions assigning sections to intersections of open sets in a cover
Čech differential δ:Cˇi(U,F)→Cˇi+1(U,F) is defined by alternating sums of restrictions
Čech cohomology groups Hˇi(U,F)=ker(δi)/im(δi−1)
Refined covers lead to isomorphic Čech cohomology groups, defining the Čech cohomology Hˇi(X,F)
Derived functor cohomology is defined using injective resolutions and right derived functors
Injective sheaf I satisfies the lifting property for sheaf morphisms
Injective resolution 0→F→I0→I1→⋯ allows the computation of right derived functors RiΓ(X,F)
Čech and derived functor cohomology agree for paracompact Hausdorff spaces and lead to the same abstract cohomology theory
Cohomology of a constant sheaf A recovers the singular cohomology Hi(X,A) with coefficients in A
Applications in Algebraic Topology
Sheaf cohomology provides a unified framework for various cohomology theories in algebraic topology
de Rham theorem relates de Rham cohomology (defined using differential forms) to singular cohomology
de Rham complex Ω∙(X) of smooth differential forms on a manifold X computes the de Rham cohomology HdRi(X)
de Rham sheaf Ai assigns to each open set U the vector space of smooth i-forms on U
Poincaré lemma states that the de Rham complex is locally exact, implying that A∙ is a resolution of the constant sheaf R
de Rham theorem: HdRi(X)≅Hi(X,R) for smooth manifolds X
Dolbeault theorem relates Dolbeault cohomology (defined using complex differential forms) to sheaf cohomology on complex manifolds
Dolbeault complex Ap,q(X) of (p,q)-forms on a complex manifold X computes the Dolbeault cohomology H∂ˉp,q(X)
Dolbeault sheaf Op,q assigns to each open set U the vector space of (p,q)-forms on U
Dolbeault theorem: H∂ˉp,q(X)≅Hq(X,Ωp), where Ωp is the sheaf of holomorphic p-forms
Hodge theorem decomposes the cohomology of a compact Kähler manifold into a direct sum of Dolbeault cohomology groups
Sheaf cohomology also plays a role in the study of vector bundles, characteristic classes, and intersection theory
Problem-Solving Techniques
Compute sheaf cohomology using Čech cochains and covers
Choose a suitable open cover of the space and calculate the Čech complex
Determine the kernels and images of the Čech differentials to find the cohomology groups
Use injective resolutions to compute derived functor cohomology
Find an injective resolution of the sheaf and apply the global section functor
Calculate the cohomology of the resulting complex
Exploit the long exact sequence in cohomology induced by a short exact sequence of sheaves
Break down a complicated sheaf into simpler pieces using short exact sequences
Use the induced long exact sequence to relate the cohomology groups of the sheaves
Apply the Mayer-Vietoris sequence to compute cohomology using a cover of the space
Decompose the space into simpler pieces using a suitable cover
Use the Mayer-Vietoris sequence to relate the cohomology of the space to the cohomology of the pieces and their intersections
Utilize spectral sequences to compute cohomology in stages
Set up a spectral sequence (Leray, Serre, etc.) that converges to the desired cohomology groups
Compute the terms of the spectral sequence and analyze the differentials to determine the limit terms
Identify vanishing theorems and cohomological dimension to simplify computations
Use theorems like Cartan's theorem B, Kodaira vanishing, or Grauert's theorem to deduce the vanishing of certain cohomology groups
Determine the cohomological dimension of the space to limit the range of non-zero cohomology groups